How Do Dolphins Whistle | 5 Facts

When I was younger, I always wondered how dolphins whistle. The answer is that they can produce whistles through the blowhole on the top of their head.

Dolphins are one of the most intelligent creatures on our planet. They have a complex system of sound production that allows them to communicate and navigate with other marine mammals as well as humans who share the ocean with them.

How Do Dolphins Whistle?

Dolphins are known for their ability to use echolocation. But did you know they also whistle? The larynx is used to produce whistles, while the air sacs are used to produce high-frequency echolocation.

Dolphins produce sounds by passing air through air sacs in their head. The dolphins have a very complex system of sound production that allows them to communicate and navigate with other marine mammals as well as humans who share the ocean with them.

What is Dolphin Sound Called?

Dolphins are known for their amazing vocal skills. They can make a wide variety of sounds which are called blats, bleats, chirps, clicks, creaks, pulses, quacks, etc.

How Do Dolphins make Sounds

How Do Dolphins make Sounds?

Dolphins are known for their ability to produce high-pitched sounds and clicks with the help of a nasal sac. To make these sounds and noises, dolphins can use one of two methods:

1. They create a whistle using their blowhole on top of their head. 

2. Dolphins also create clicking noises by melon or nasal sac on the top of their heads.

Why Do Dolphins Use Whistles?

Humans use names to identify each other. Dolphins use whistles to recognize each other. The whistle is an integral part of their social life and they will often change the sound of their whistle when meeting another dolphin for the first time.

Why Do Dolphins Use Click?

The sound waves (Click) that they produce with their mouths bounce off objects in front of them, allowing them to sense what is around them. Dolphins also use clicks when hunting for food by sending out a series of high-frequency pulses which stuns fish or other prey before capturing it with their teeth. Click sounds are also used in dolphin communication – these can be friendly messages.


It’s amazing how dolphins can communicate with humans and other marine mammals. It’s like they’re whistling in the water! Whistling in the water is a common dolphin practice that can be used for communicating with other dolphins, or even humans.

I am Mcman a fish lover. I love fishing since my childhood as may father was also a fisherman. I share all of my experiences in this blog. Stay connected with me to know new findings on Fishing.

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