If you’ve ever wondered about the unique anatomy of narwhals, then this writing is for you. We’ll be exploring the question of whether or not female narwhals have a horn or not and what that means for their behavior in the wild. So grab your curiosity and dive into this fascinating subject with us!

Do Male and Female Narwhals Have Horns?
Yes, they have. Narwhal horns are actually modified teeth, and they are mostly a male feature. The horns, which can reach up to 8 feet in length, protrude from the upper left jaw of the male narwhal. Occasionally, a female narwhal will also grow one.
These rare instances have been observed, but typically only males have horns. In addition to the horns, male and female narwhals differ in size. Males are usually larger than females and become sexually mature at around 11 to 13 years old, while females become sexually mature at around 5 to 8 years old.
Why do Narwhals have horns?
Narwhals have long mystified scientists. For centuries, it was believed that the tusk that protrudes from the head of a narwhal was a horn, and some people believed it could even be used for magical purposes. Now, a new study suggests that the true evolutionary purpose of these horns which can be 8-feet-long has to do with sex.
The tusks, the research indicates, help males attract a female for mating. Scientists believe that the horn is a way for the male narwhal to demonstrate his strength and health to potential mates. It also may be used to detect changes in the environment like salt content.
Males typically sport a single tusk while females rarely grow tusks. Adult males are larger than adult females, with males becoming sexually mature at around 11 to 13 years old and females becoming sexually mature at about 5 to 8 years old.
What is a Narwhal?

Narwhals, or monodon monoceros, are an Arctic species of whale that are related to belugas. They are easily distinguished by their long tusk-like horn that protrudes from the top of their heads.
The tusk is actually a modified tooth and can grow up to 8 feet in length. While they are most known for their tusk, they also have unique features like their patchy grey and white mottled skin.
Narwhals live in Arctic regions of Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia and prefer icy waters. They feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans and are often found in pods of 15 to 20 individuals.
What are the Characteristics of a Narwhal?
Narwhals have an unmistakable physical feature that sets them apart from other whales—their long, slender tusk. The tusk typically grows in males and only about 15% of females. Even more rare is the occurrence of two tusks in males, which is estimated to occur in one in 500 of them.
The female narwhal also has incisor teeth that develop in the upper jaw. These tusks are hollow tooth, usually spiraling up to 8 or 10 feet long. Narwhals also have small eyes, a small head, and a small dorsal fin, which gives them a unique look.
How Does the Narwhal Use Its Horn?
The horn is an important part of the narwhal’s anatomy, but it’s not just for show. The narwhal uses its horn in many ways. The whale can use it to break through the thick layers of sea ice to gain access to the food sources beneath. It also functions as a sensory organ and can detect changes in temperature, salinity, and even sound waves. The narwhal may also use its horn to fight off predators or establish dominance during mating rituals.
Are 2 Horned Narwhals Real?
Although it is possible to have two tusks, it’s very rare and only a few specimens have ever been found. Therefore, two-horned narwhals are not a real species and can only be found in fantasy and mythology.
Where Do Narwhals Live?
Narwhals can be found in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. They tend to prefer the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas, including the Barents, Greenland, and Kara Seas. They are highly migratory and can be found in areas such as the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait.
In the summertime, narwhals gather in larger groups and migrate to the coastal areas of their range. This is when they are most easily spotted by humans. Here, they feed on fish, squid, and other marine life. During the winter months, narwhals will migrate to deeper parts of the ocean where they are less likely to be seen.
Narwhals are incredibly adapted to the cold waters of their native habitat. Their thick layer of blubber helps to insulate them from the cold and they also have an extremely efficient circulatory system.
What Do Narwhals Eat?
Narwhals primarily feed on fish and invertebrates, such as squid, octopus, shrimp, and crabs. They also eat cod, halibut, and flounder. Narwhals are also known to feed on the occasional seal, walrus, and even beluga whale. They will also eat other small animals such as sea birds and their eggs.
Narwhals have an interesting way of hunting their prey. They use their long tusk to search the ocean floor for food. They also use their tusk to stun their prey before they eat it.
Narwhals are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will take advantage of food sources when they are available. They also travel in groups, which helps them locate food more easily.
Narwhals have an important role in the Arctic marine ecosystem. They keep the population of their prey species in check, which helps to maintain a healthy balance in the food chain.
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So, female narwhals do have a horn, but it is much smaller than the single tusk of the male narwhal. While the male tusk is a long the female tusk is generally only a third as long. The female tusk is also straighter and less spiraled than that of the male. This difference in tusk size and shape is likely due to the differences in the reproductive roles of males and females.
Regardless, it is clear that female narwhals do in fact have a tusk, even if it is much smaller than that of the male narwhal.